DNC Sepoy Physical Fitness Result 2023
DNC Sepoy Fitness Result 2023 | Narcotics Control Physical Fitness Result 2023

Download DNC Sepoy Physical Fitness Result 2023 PDF from here. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Finally, the result of physical measurement test for the post of constable of Narcotics Control Directorate has been published. With today’s article if you have been a candidate for the achievement of participating in the physical quantity test. Where we are going to discuss the latest information of the said results. Please read the article till the end.
DNC Sepoy Physical Fitness Test Result 2023
The recruitment circular published earlier by the Narcotics Control Directorate had a total of 313 posts. 7th November to 18th November 2023 was fixed as the date of physical fitness test to recruit manpower against 313 vacant posts. The examination starts at eight in the morning and starts at one in the afternoon. A total of 26 thousand 510 candidates participated in the examination.
See more:- সিভিল এভিয়েশন অথরিটি এমসিকিউ পরীক্ষার ফলাফল ২০২৩
DNC Sepoy Field Test Result 2023
26000510 candidates participated in the physical fitness test for the post of Constable of Narcotics Control Directorate. Since the end of the exam everyone is waiting for the results that when their physical fitness test result will be released. Finally, after overcoming all obstacles, the results were published today. In the result a total of 8697 candidates were finally shortlisted for the written examination. Check the result now from the image below.
Physical Fitness Test Result:- Click here to view
Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) Physical Fitness Result 2023
Through the said result, 8697 candidates passed the written test for the post of Sepoy in Narcotics Control Directorate with almost success. Candidates who have cleared the written exam successfully should take all their preparation now. The examination was held in Dhaka. Where there were total 313 vacant posts. You all are aware that Narcotics Control Directorate constable post is 17th grade. The physical measurement test for the said post was held last on 7 November 2023, 10 November 2023, 11 November 2023, 17 November 2023 and lastly on 18 November 2023 AD.
Madok Sepoy Physical Fitness Test Result 2023
A total of eight thousand 697 candidates are shortlisted for the final written test through the results of the candidates who participated in the Physical Measurement Test for the post of Sepoy. The next article we will prepare on our website for Narcotics Control Directorate constable post is related to written result. Allah Hafez concludes here by inviting you to see the said article.