Honors Admission Result 2024 (NU) public today see to click here. National University is a public educational institution in all of Bangladesh. So those who want to complete honors program in any university under national university only they have completed online application process after SSC and HSC exam result. As per the pre-scheduled time, the result was published today on March 18, 2024 at 4 PM. Today there is A to Z information about it for you to check out and get the desired result.
NU Honors Admission 1st Merit Result 2024
Finally we have come to the right article where you will get if 23 24 academic year undergraduate first year admission test result. If any student who is placed in the first merit list wants to change the subject, then he/she has to select Yes option by writing the subject change in the final admission form. In this case, the subjects will be changed on the basis of merit in subject wise 0 seats in the concerned college according to the subject preference order of the students. The university authorities have informed in advance that the classes of students admitted in this academic year will start from April 2024.
NU Admission Result 2024 (nu.edu.bd)
National University 2023 Photo Academic Year First Year Graduate Honors Admission Program Online Application Process Completed. Application process starts on 22 January 2024. On the other hand, the online application process was completed on 28 February 2024. The online application process continues for a long month. Finally today 18th March 2024 at 4 pm the university authorities released the result. From 4 pm to 9 pm every candidate can check the result through SMS on mobile. For this you have to type nu>athn>roll no in mobile SMS option and send it to 16222 number.
Honors Admission 1st Merit List Result Publish 2024
Student must visit the link www.nu.ac.bd/admission to view the official result. The result will be available from the said link after 9 pm. Before this, if a student wants to get the result, then he must collect the blood result before SMS on the mobile. In today’s article, we will tell you the A to Z information about how you can see the results through SMS on your mobile phone, inshallah.
admission.nu.edu.bd Honors Admission Result 2024
For everyone’s information, I want to know that the first merit list is the admission, the candidates have to complete the admission process within a certain period. The last date for admission is 27th March 2024. On the other hand, if he has not been admitted to any educational program in the academic year 2022, he must cancel the admission and complete a new online application by the date of seven as mark 2024. See you in the next second merit list article related to honors second year admission under national university. Until then I am completing the article wishing you all the best.